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Places I've Been Published

In addition to five books (soon to be six), I ave been published in several magazines. Check them out below!

Magazine: No Extra Words
Genre: Fiction
Title: The Planner
Description: A girl tries to organize her life as it slowly falls apart

Magazine:  Sandy River Review
Genre: Non-fiction
Title: Awkward Encounters of the Worst Kind
Description: A girl gets a colonoscopy from a very attractive doctor

Magainze: Free Flash Fiction

Genre: Fiction

Title: Contributions

Description: In a fictional world, children equal status


Magazine: Scarlet Leaf Review
Genre: Nonfiction
Title: The Hospice Garden
Description: Four grandchildren mourn the loss of their very sick Grandma



Magazine: Writing Disorder

Genre: Nonfiction

Title: I'm No More Rabid than Usual

Description: A girl has a breakdown in the mental hospital


Magazine: Vita Brevis Press

Genre: Poetry

Title: Library Anxiety


Magazine: Indiana Voice Journal

Genre: Poetry

Title(s): Troublemaker, Promises to Sylvia, Party


Magazine: Sick Lit Magazine

Genre: Poetry

Title(s): Silence, Do Not DIsturb,, Promises, Corinthians 6, Eight Years Old


Magazine: Literary Heist

Genre: Poetry

Title: The Road to Nowhere


Magazine: Big Windows Review

Genre: Poetry

Title: OCD


Magazine: Pour Vida Zine

Genre: Poetry

Title: Time


Magazine; Muse An International Journal of Poetry

Genre: Poetry

Title: Promises to SLyvia


Magazine: Better than Starbucks

Genre: Poetry

Title: Creative Temdemcoes


Magazine: Tipton Poetry Journal\

Genre: Poetry

Title: Meeting in My Mind


Magazine: The Gravity of the Thing

Genre: Fiction

Title: All Smiles

Description: In this world people buy artificial smiles to experience happiness


Magazine: The Whole ALphabet- the Light and Dark

Genre: Nonfiction

Title: The Girl with the Magenta Hair

Nonfiction: My first serious crush on a person from the same sex






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