Seeing my friends perform in their bands the LVP and Strange Neighbors. I especially liked the time we all made the drive home from Brooklyn singing musicals in the car and eating Taco Bell
Doing the marathon Super Review Show with Justin, JT and Bill…..until we figured out Justin had Covid and a mild fever
Getting to know Aidan, the lead singer in the band Strange Neighbors. Love the hair
Rocking my leather jacket on every possible occasion.
Watching football and making bets at my Aunt Jeanettes. My cousin Joe has perfected the art of eating spicy Doritos: drink milk
Our epic trivia team (before we got too tired of winning all the time). Celeste got the final question and won us the game. It was a picture question and Celeste guessed it was a scalloped shell. I probably would have guessed macaroni.
Making my boyfriend cry because I surprised him by doing all the dishes
Going to a masquerade ball- lots of bodices and half exposed breasts for our viewing pleasure. I had a killer cape though
Discovering the joy of Legos
Going to the Museum of Moving Images to celebrate a two year anniversary with the love of my life, Justin. Justin was quite impressed by the cameras. I loved the book we got of still shots that show us kissing if we move the pages really fast
Publishing my sixth book with KDP, The Meg and Other “Shark” Stories
Risperdal fucked my hormones and there was a possibility of a brain tumor (don’t worry. There isn’t one)
Winning $1.25 in a night of cards with the fam
A Winnie the Pooh shirt in my Easter basket
When we all drank pina coladas (virgin for me obviously) and chilled in the hot tub at Cape Cod
3 am games of Werewolf…..at Cape Cod of course!
Seeing Challengers in theaters
Seeing Smile 2 in theaters (warning: disturbing)
Seeing Wicked in theaters (uplifting)
Winning third place in a poetry slam
Hosting my first poetry slam
Playing Who’s Line is It Anyway on the Super Review Show
Summer nights at Justin’s house
Making Hellofresh meals with Justin for dinner
Celebrating Wendy’s birthday in several different ways
Watching two of my best friends get married
My first big pride event
A photoshoot with my talented friend Adam
A sobriety party celebrating eight years
A book launch at an adorable cafe, the Glitter Thicket
Starting a book club with all my best friends
Going to Hershey Park with Justin
Hosting an epic werewolf party for cousins and friends alike
A cozy little New Hampshire family vacation in which we totally did not almost get shot in the pouring rain when we were lost (my priority was dinner)
Seeing my little cousin dressed in a Santa suit
I have so many amazing memories from 2024. It might have been the best year of my life actually. And sure I will miss it. But rest assured. 2025 wll be just as good. It might even be better.