It seems baffling that it could be 2025 and people still might not know what a bullet journal is. Well, I’m sure somewhere out there a struggling overwhelmed college student is living in ignorance and could definitely use one. Well, if she reads my blog, she’s in luck. Because that’s the subject of today’s article.
A bullet journal can be as much of a log or as much of a diary as you like it. It can also serve as a calendar. When I started my bullet journal, I started with a log. Items that were circled in were completed. Bullet points were events. I did different shapes depending on what sphere of life they represented (ex. Writing, social, personal, physical). I set up the format of my diary to have a monthly calender and a daily page. That is all classic bullet journal stuff. Now here is where it gets fun.
Bullet journals are known for their aesthetic. That was the problem I had. I admired the creativity and artistic talents that went into making a bullet journal. But it was frustrating that, even though I am also artsy in some ways, I could never even replicate any of the spreads. They required neatness and precision and I had neither. Mine looked like some sloppy attempt a kindergartner had made. It was a bit disheartening and lead to me discontinuing every single bullet journal endeavour (there have been four including a formatted one where they just practically did the whole thing for you).
Besides day agendas and monthly calenders here are some other pages you can make if you are more dedicated than I am: Books To Read, Movies To Watch, Food Diary, Weight Log, Favorite Songs, Mood Tracker, Habit Tracker, Period Tracker, Highlights of My Day, Gratitude Log. If you want more ideas, hit up Google. Pinterest also has very inspiring spreads
I also don’t want to discourage you. Just because a bullet journal is not (at this time) the best for me does not mean you shouldn’t take full advantage of this nifty little invention. It keeps you organized, healthy and on track with your life. I hope I have introduced it to at least one person through this post.