Date: 12/11/2021
Feelings: Upbeat
Sometimes the stars just align you got to say “If my life is good now, who knows how good it could be?” Possibilities. A relationship with —. A DND campaign with Nick. In person poetry slams. And Christmas. But do not think that because I am looking to the future that I’ll neglect this wonderful present. Mom is sitting in front of me putting the garlands on the tree. We are listening to her playlist. Dad went to get sushi. Pretty good evening. We’ll have decorating and hot chocolate later. My moods have always dipped dramatically in the holidays despite my love for it. If emotion was a temperature you could see mine drop. Even with a recent diagnosis of Crohns disease which puts me in great pain can’t damper my spirits. Neither my OCD or my bipolar can damper my spirits. I think part of it is medication, part it is hard work anad determination and part of it is God. This year for the first time in a while I have been connected with my faith. And of course I have friends (and parents too). As Clarence says “No man is poor who has friends”