Here is all the advice I would give myself as a child:
“Not everybody has to like you”
“Don’t let anyone make you feel ashamed of your body”
“Life isn’t always fair but there is always hope”
“God is there for you even when you are angry with him”
“Plans change and that’s okay”
“You don’t have to be perfect”
“Everyone makes mistakes”
“You don’t have to have an exclusive best friend”
“You’re not in love with someone if you have never talked to him”
“You got to stand up for yourself or you won’t be respected”
“The Twilight books are trash”
“You shouldn’t feel ashamed of a medical condition”
“You’re not a bad person. Don’t let anyone make you feel that way”
“You do not have to like anyone else”
“A cat on your lap can solve (almost) everything”
Here is what the advice I’d give myself as a teenager:
“Standing out isn’t always desirable”
“Many boys will take sex even if they don’t love you”
“An all girl environment can be pretty low pressure and relaxing”
“There is no shame to waiting to lose your virginity”
Smoking pot doesn’t make you feel cool”
“Sober people are generally more fun than stoned people”
“Stoned people are usually just stupid”
“Your parents are usually only trying to help”
“You are bipolar”
“It gets better”
“College is amazing”
“You are stronger than you know”
“You’re gonna do more important things than dating some guy (stolen from Taylor Swift)
“The college you get into isn’t everything (but my university was perfect”