Have you ever……?
Played a sport. Yes. Most of growing up was soccer and basketball, although I did play softball one year (I didn’t particularly like softball). Once I got to college, I went crazy with the intramurals. Basketball, soccer, kickball, ultimate frisbee, volleyball. Even once I came home I stuck with volleyball though I wasn’t very good at it.
Danced in a ballet recital. I don’t even remember this. I must have been five. But there’s photo evidence of me in a big pink bonnet.
Learned to play an instrument. There’s a worldwide debate on whether children should be forced to learn a musical instrument. As someone who had piano lessons at age four, I have to say I think parents should have the authority to start musical instruction (or instruction by a third party if they themselves don’t know an instrument) since it’s much easier to learn a musical instrument as a child. I think children should have the ability to choose what instrument they want to learn. After several years of instruction, I believe that children should have the option to quit if they still don’t like the lessons. But I believe children are too young to know if they want musical lessons. Unpopular opinion but I’m grateful for my piano lessons every damn day.
Failed a test. This story is in one of my books but in high school I was wrongly (blatantly wrongly) accused of plagiarism which burns me up inside. As a result, I got a zero on the assignment which I otherwise would have gotten a 93 on. Burns me up!!!
Got stuck doing a group project all by yourself. This happened alot in middle school as both my high school and college were big on accountability so they made it very difficult for this scenario to happen. Middle school no one gave a shit. I had to do all the work. And the teachers full well knew this.
Run for the student council: In fifth grade, I ran for Vice President of the student council. Not because I really had an interest in being Vice President but because I had a crush on the guy who currently was Vice President, a year above me and I thought we would interact. Well, I didn’t win and I don’t think he noticed me.
Write notes to someone during class. In middle school, I sat next to my best friend in class and we passed our notebooks back and forth. I still have the notes and the bulk of it was about different boys I liked and occasionally the guys who sat behind me who threw things at me. In high school we all had laptops so I would just email my best friends during class.
Get detention. I took a magazine covered in paint during art class and smeared all the paint all over my bully’s shirt. Destruction of property but whatever. Don’t you ever EVER publicly humiliate me for my “mole” ( beauty mark)
Get your first pet. My parents brought home two cats when I was eleven. Two amazing, frisky, friendly cats. Susie and Scout. I love them both so much.
Well, thats some of my past. Let me know if you’d like more. Fear not, I will continue with my self care for the holidays.