I am overwhelmed physically (gallstones?) and somewhat mentally. But I firmly believe that 2024 was a blessed year for me and the holidays will be the crown jewel. I’m hoping for carols, cookies, parties and presents. I’m hoping to deepen my faith and my relationships. I’m hoping more people will find faith- in God or if not God, then something bigger than themselves. I am also hoping more people read my blog. Maybe in 2025 I’ll have my first comment (hint. Hint. Comment guys! I’d love it!).
I’m busy with many things. I’ve been made a Rockland Poets organizer and I am applying to become a peer specialist for the state of New York. I run a book club and I’m trying to balance several hobbies like piano, knitting and learning ASL. But it is always my writing that garners most of my attention. Here are the several projects I am working on.
Anthology The next book I am working on assembling is an anthology of my work. This includes all types of work including my short stories (some of which have been published in magazines), some of my interviews, select book and movie reviews, excerpts from longer works (novels that are as yet unfinished), personal essays, poetry and blog posts promoting self-help and psychology. So yeah, that will definitely be an ambitious project. I look forward to it.
A Letter to My Skinny Self This is a book I started in 2018. It’s letters I wrote to myself about my weight gain, the idea of beauty and society’s conventions of beauty and sex. Because of the whole sex part I’m not going to publish this until….well, probably posthumously.
Letters to God I started writing letters to God when I was fifteen. They were part asking God for things, thanking God for things and mulling over the mysteries of heaven. Once I finish the journal, I will type up the letters and somehow convert them to a book. Now everyone can see the miracles I see and how God helped me triumph over the trials I faced and maybe it will help someone else on their own faith journey.
Hobby Tracker (working title) This is really more for my own amusement than anything else. I started picking up new hobbies and activities in August. I wanted my life to be more three dimensional, I wanted to try new things, I wanted to believe in myself more and what I could do. So every month I keep track of the new things I’ve done and the progress I made.
So yeah I’m busy but I will not neglect this blog. It would help if you would let me know what you want to see from me. I write this blog for myself mostly but I’d love to hear from you guys (once again, hint hint).