I know the soundtrack. Who doesn’t? But I had never seen the musical and therefore didn’t really know the story. Justin was sweet enough to take me although I don’t think musicals are his thing (although in his opinion they are much more preferable than horror movies). I was hoping for a smooth movie experience but we faced an altercation in the parking lot when we inadvertently took someone’s else parking space (although just let me interject there was no shortage of parking spots).
As we crossed the street to Barnes and Nobles this lady accosted us and berated us for taking her spot. Which upset me in several ways but especially made me angry. How dare you? You have some audacity thinking you were entitled to some damn parking lot and then delusional enough to think we slighted you on purpose. Here’s a tip lady. The world does not revolve around you and your wants. I learned that when I was three. Go have a tantrum in the entrance of Barnes and Nobles. You look fucking ridiculous and I hope it ruined your day because it sure as hell didn’t ruin mine.
The movie theater was crowded. Usually the ices they sell are blue raspberry and cherry but in honor of Wicked they were green apple (green for Elphaba) and dragonfly (pink for Galinda/ Glinda) . Hint: the Green Apple? Best ice I’ve ever had.
From the very first musical number of the movie, I was spellbound. Everything was (pun semi intended) magical. Elphaba (the green witch who is ostracized for her color when she arrives at school) is played by Cynthia Erivo. Now I must admit I hadn’t heard of her prior to the movie but she has alot of movie and TV credits including the voice of Julia in the podcast series of 1984. Her voice is amazing. It gives me goosebumps. She hits notes I could only dream of and she makes it look so easy. Her voice is a tool and she has mastered it.
Ariana Grande plays the other lead, Galinda/ Glinda (she changes it halfway through the movie in “solidarity with the animals”). I do know who Ariana Grande is. I never saw her act before but I do enjoy her music. She played an excellent Galinda, a popularity hungry girl who is eager to have the magical abilities that her roommate Elphaba exhibits. At first the girls are enemies but somewhere down the road they become friends. Best friends.
Wicked is broken into two parts. The first part was 2 hours and 40 minutes long but it flew by. I generally complain about the length of movies nowadays. I try to cap it at two hours but for Wicked…well I had to make an exception. I’m so glad I did. Acting? A. Cintemetography? A. Singing/dancing? A+. It might be one of the best (if not THE best) movie musicals I have ever seen. I strongly recommend you go see it. We’re looking at Oscar material here. Sorry, Challengers. You’re just going to have to share the title of my favorite movie of 2024.