Break my headphones
Order fried rice after I eat my sushi even though there’s no way I’ll finish it
Kiss my stuffed animals when I pick them up after I accidentally kick them out of bed
Stub my toe
Sit on my cat (to be fair he can be kind of quiet)
Snap my own bra strap when I’m trying to adjust it
Ask my parents to repeat themselves because to be honest I might not be listening the first time
Cry over something I thought wouldn’t bother me
Envision the day when my book Story of Hope becomes a bestseller
Picture my wedding day
Reminisce about my (limited) college days
Go back for seconds
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Mental Illness Under a Microscope
Mental Illness is rampant in America and around the world. I would know. My name is Leigh Winters and I have OCD and bipolar disorder. Story of Hope is my story, the story of how I went from a prestigious university with many friends to alone behind the locked doors of a mental institution. This website is for anyone with a similar experience or anybody looking for help. Because there is help.I
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